Qtitan Components for PySide2/PySide6 - Quickstart Guide

Qtitan Components for PySide2/PySide6 - Quickstart Guide

Topic describes how to include the Qtitan components for the regular Python App. The steps described in this topic are relevant to any Qtitan component - QtitanRibbon, QtitanDataGrid, QtitanNavigationDesignUI, QtitanChart, QtitanDocking.


To use Qtitan Component for Python, you'll need:

Step 1: Install Qtitan Component for Python

  • Goto to the page https://www.devmachines.com/download-for-qt.html
  • Download the installer for platform you use. Components that are needed for Python have the suffix PySide in the installer name. Suffix PySide2 for Qt5 or suffix PySide6 if you use Qt6.
  • Install it following the recommendations of the installer wizard.
  • After install process you'll have python bindings in the <QTITAN_INSTALL_PATH>site-packages/DevMachines folder.
    Additionally the bindings will be installed to the your Python third-party libraries folder where the PySide2 or PySide6 was installed.
    For instance:

    To get Python site-packages directory for your environment execute the following command line in the shell:

    python -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages())"

Step 2: Add component to your Python file (*.py)

Add the Qtitan Component to the Python file. All components in the DevMachines namespace.

from DevMachines.QtitanBase import WindowTitleBar
from DevMachines.QtitanRibbon import AdobePhotoshopStyle, Office2016Style

By analogy for other Qtitan components:

from DevMachines.QtitanGrid import Grid
from DevMachines.QtitanNavigationDesignUI import NavigationView

In addition, it is possible to quickly check for which environment the current Qtitan python modules are intended:

from DevMachines import __pyside2__, __pyside6__
if __pyside2__:
    print("Python for Qt5")
if __pyside6__:
    print("Python for Qt6")

Step 3: Run you Python App

Run your Python App and make sure that there are no any errors and warnings.

Building the Qtitan Component binding for Python from sources

Topic describes how to build the Qtitan components bindings for Python from sources.


For building Qitan components for PySide2 or PySide6, you must have Clang version 10 installed at the build machine. Make sure the environment variable LLVM_INSTALL_DIR is initialized and points to the correct location. To check the Clang version that is currently installed, you can use this command:

C:\QtitanInstallDir>clang -v
clang version 10.0.0
Target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: c:\Program Files\LLVM_10\bin

PySide2 or PySide6

For the correct compilling the Qtitan Components bindings for python, either PySide2 or PySide6 should be installed. To install use the command:

\\Installation PySide2
pip install pyside2 shiboken2
pip install --index-url=https://download.qt.io/official_releases/QtForPython/ --trusted-host download.qt.io shiboken2_generator
\\Installation PySide6
pip install pyside6 shiboken6
pip install --index-url=https://download.qt.io/official_releases/QtForPython/ --trusted-host download.qt.io shiboken6_generator

Windows Visual Studio

To build for Windows OS you have to use Visual Studio Toolkit 2015 (v140) to buld the bindings for PySide2 and Visual Studio Toolkit 2019 (v142) for PySide6. If you will use incompatible toolkits, you will have C++ errors during compilation.

Building from command line

Open the bat shell. "Windows logo key" + R, cmd.exe Set current directory to the <QTITAN_INSTALL_PATH>. C:/>dir <QTITAN_INSTALL_PATH>

qmake.exe -r CONFIG+=python -platform win32-msvc
nmake release
qmake.exe -r CONFIG+=python -platform win32-msvc
nmake release

After the build process you will have a new binding libraries in the <QTITAN_INSTALL_PATH>site-packages/DevMachines folder.

Building from Visual Studio environment

To generate a project for Microsoft Visual Studio, use the command:

qmake.exe -tp vc -r CONFIG+=python -platform win32-msvc

After that you will have <QTITAN_INSTALL_PATH>/Python.QtitanComponents.sln solution file.