Unit FireGraphics




Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Record THSVColor  
Record TFirePalette  
Record TFireStyleOptionHeader  
Record TFireLine  
Class TFireGraphicControl  
Class TFirePainter  
Class TFireCustomForm The class allows you to create native top-level windows with the ability to customize the frame around the window.
Class TFirePopup  

Functions and Procedures

procedure PlatformFMXDeleteLater(Obj: TObject);
function PlatformFMXBoundedText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Text: String; const WordWrap: Boolean = False; const Font: TFont = nil): TSize; overload;
function PlatformFMXBoundedText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect; const Text: String; const WordWrap: Boolean = False; const Font: TFont = nil): TSize; overload;
function PlatformFMXFontHeight(Canvas: TCanvas; const Font: TFont = nil): Integer;
function PlatformFMXGetMousePosition: TPointF;
procedure PlatformFMXSetCursor(const ACursor: TCursor);
procedure PlatformFMXRestoreDefaultCursor;
function ToHSVColor(const Color: TAlphaColor): THSVColor;
function FromHSVColor(const Color: THSVColor): TAlphaColor;
function IsColorLight(const Color: TAlphaColor): Boolean;
function MakeColorLighter(const Color: TAlphaColor; const Factor: Double): TAlphaColor;
function MakeColorDarker(const Color: TAlphaColor; const Factor: Double): TAlphaColor;
function FromPixel(const Value: Integer; const Scale: Single): Single;
function FromPixelRect(const R: TRect; const Scale: Single): TRectF;
function FromPixelPoint(const P: TPoint; const Scale: Single): TPointF;
function FromPixelSize(const Size: TSize; const Scale: Single): TSizeF;
function ToPixel(const Value: Single; const Scale: Single): Integer;
function ToPixelRect(const R: TRectF; const Scale: Single): TRect;
function ToPixelPoint(const P: TPointF; const Scale: Single): TPoint;
function ToPixelSize(const Size: TSizeF; const Scale: Single): TSize;
procedure AdjustRectF(var R: TRectF; dx1: Single; dy1: Single; dx2: Single; dy2: Single);
procedure AdjustRect(var R: TRect; dx1: Integer; dy1: Integer; dx2: Integer; dy2: Integer);
function AdjustedRectF(const R: TRectF; dx1: Single; dy1: Single; dx2: Single; dy2: Single): TRectF;
function AdjustedRect(const R: TRect; dx1: Integer; dy1: Integer; dx2: Integer; dy2: Integer): TRect;
function CreateRectF(Left: Single; Top: Single; Width: Single; Height: Single): TRectF; overload;
function CreateRect(Left: Integer; Top: Integer; Width: Integer; Height: Integer): TRect; overload;
function CreateRectF(TopLeft: TPointF; Size: TSizeF): TRectF; overload;
function CreateRect(TopLeft: TPoint; Size: TSize): TRect; overload;
function AlignedRectF(Alignment: TAlignment; VerticalAlignment: TVerticalAlignment; const Size: TSizeF; const Rect: TRectF): TRectF;
function AlignedRect(Alignment: TAlignment; VerticalAlignment: TVerticalAlignment; const Size: TSize; const Rect: TRect): TRect;
function VisualRectF(LeftToRight: Boolean; const BoundingRect: TRectF; const LogicalRect: TRectF): TRectF;


PFirePalette = ˆTFirePalette;
TFireIconApperance = (...);
TFireStyleStateFlag = (...);
TFireStyleState = set of TFireStyleStateFlag;
TFireStyleSortIndicator = (...);
TFireStyleSectionPosition = (...);
TFireStyleSelectedPosition = (...);
TFireTextElideMode = (...);
TFireLineIntersectType = (...);
TFireFormFrameSection = (...);


Functions and Procedures

procedure PlatformFMXDeleteLater(Obj: TObject);

Schedules this object for deletion.

The object Obj will be deleted on next process messages (Idle) operation. If the application is in the finalization stage, the object Obj will be deleted at the time of the finalization of the FireGraphics unit.

function PlatformFMXBoundedText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Text: String; const WordWrap: Boolean = False; const Font: TFont = nil): TSize; overload;
function PlatformFMXBoundedText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect; const Text: String; const WordWrap: Boolean = False; const Font: TFont = nil): TSize; overload;
function PlatformFMXFontHeight(Canvas: TCanvas; const Font: TFont = nil): Integer;
function PlatformFMXGetMousePosition: TPointF;
procedure PlatformFMXSetCursor(const ACursor: TCursor);
procedure PlatformFMXRestoreDefaultCursor;
function ToHSVColor(const Color: TAlphaColor): THSVColor;
function FromHSVColor(const Color: THSVColor): TAlphaColor;
function IsColorLight(const Color: TAlphaColor): Boolean;
function MakeColorLighter(const Color: TAlphaColor; const Factor: Double): TAlphaColor;
function MakeColorDarker(const Color: TAlphaColor; const Factor: Double): TAlphaColor;
function FromPixel(const Value: Integer; const Scale: Single): Single;
function FromPixelRect(const R: TRect; const Scale: Single): TRectF;
function FromPixelPoint(const P: TPoint; const Scale: Single): TPointF;
function FromPixelSize(const Size: TSize; const Scale: Single): TSizeF;
function ToPixel(const Value: Single; const Scale: Single): Integer;
function ToPixelRect(const R: TRectF; const Scale: Single): TRect;
function ToPixelPoint(const P: TPointF; const Scale: Single): TPoint;
function ToPixelSize(const Size: TSizeF; const Scale: Single): TSize;
procedure AdjustRectF(var R: TRectF; dx1: Single; dy1: Single; dx2: Single; dy2: Single);
procedure AdjustRect(var R: TRect; dx1: Integer; dy1: Integer; dx2: Integer; dy2: Integer);
function AdjustedRectF(const R: TRectF; dx1: Single; dy1: Single; dx2: Single; dy2: Single): TRectF;
function AdjustedRect(const R: TRect; dx1: Integer; dy1: Integer; dx2: Integer; dy2: Integer): TRect;
function CreateRectF(Left: Single; Top: Single; Width: Single; Height: Single): TRectF; overload;
function CreateRect(Left: Integer; Top: Integer; Width: Integer; Height: Integer): TRect; overload;
function CreateRectF(TopLeft: TPointF; Size: TSizeF): TRectF; overload;
function CreateRect(TopLeft: TPoint; Size: TSize): TRect; overload;
function AlignedRectF(Alignment: TAlignment; VerticalAlignment: TVerticalAlignment; const Size: TSizeF; const Rect: TRectF): TRectF;
function AlignedRect(Alignment: TAlignment; VerticalAlignment: TVerticalAlignment; const Size: TSize; const Rect: TRect): TRect;
function VisualRectF(LeftToRight: Boolean; const BoundingRect: TRectF; const LogicalRect: TRectF): TRectF;


PFirePalette = ˆTFirePalette;
TFireIconApperance = (...);
  • IconInvisible
  • IconOnly
  • IconAlignLeft
  • IconAlignRight
TFireStyleStateFlag = (...);
  • State_Enabled
  • State_Raised
  • State_Sunken
  • State_Off
  • State_NoChange
  • State_On
  • State_DownArrow
  • State_Horizontal
  • State_HasFocus
  • State_Top
  • State_Bottom
  • State_FocusAtBorder
  • State_AutoRaise
  • State_MouseOver
  • State_UpArrow
  • State_Selected
  • State_Active
  • State_Window
  • State_Open
  • State_Children
  • State_Item
  • State_Sibling
  • State_Editing
  • State_KeyboardFocusChange
  • State_HasEditFocus
  • State_ReadOnly
  • State_Small
  • State_Mini
TFireStyleState = set of TFireStyleStateFlag;
TFireStyleSortIndicator = (...);
  • None
  • SortUp
  • SortDown
TFireStyleSectionPosition = (...);
  • Beginning
  • Middle
  • EndPosition
  • OnlyOneSection
TFireStyleSelectedPosition = (...);
  • NotAdjacent
  • NextIsSelected
  • PreviousIsSelected
  • NextAndPreviousAreSelected
TFireTextElideMode = (...);
  • ElideLeft
  • ElideMiddle
  • ElideNone
  • ElideRight
TFireLineIntersectType = (...);
  • NoIntersection
  • BoundedIntersection
  • UnboundedIntersection
TFireFormFrameSection = (...);
  • NoSection
  • LeftSection
  • TopLeftSection
  • TopSection
  • TopRightSection
  • RightSection
  • BottomRightSection
  • BottomSection
  • BottomLeftSection
  • TitleBarArea

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