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We are pleased to announce the release of a component QtitanRibbon 3.4. This version adds the ability to define the logo on system button in Office 2013 theme, control a width of the tabs, appeared the possibility fully hide the title of the groups over the entire length of a ribbon bar. Were fixed critical bugs including a problem with the compiling under Qt4.x.

We are pleased to announce release of QtitanRibbon 3.3.0. This version fixes many known bugs and introduces a flag(on/off) for native scroll bar support in Ribbon/Office Style. Flag is very useful under Mac OS X with modern translucent scroll bars. This makes the interface more naturally and well accepted by Mac users.

We are pleased to announce release of QtitanDataGrid 3.4.0. In this version completely redesigned MultiSelect mechanism so that it became match behavior of Windows Explorer (Shift, Control, Click, Select). Additionally, all critical issues were fixed.

We are pleased to announce the release of version component for Qt.C++ - QtitanChart 4.0.0. Version contains many new tools and enhancements. Added opportunity to scroll and zoom a view of diagrams if it not fit on the screen. Tested on 1 million points. Added ability to drag a panoramic view of chart.

Now, the new version of QtitanChart has support of Qt models. You may have a SQL database with the data, or any other table data based on QAbstractItemModel, and you can quickly display these data in form of diagrams and charts.

We are pleased to announce that the version of the component FireDataGrid 1.1 has been released. Version 1.1 adds support for Mac OS X and support for Scroll Wheel Mouse in a grid view. In addition were fixed some critical bugs. Demo version for Mac OS X contains executable bundles which can be started without compiling. To download demo version for Windows or for Mac OS X please follow this link:

We are glad to inform what FireDataGrid 1.0 - db-aware grid for Delphi Firemonkey has been released.
Component allows to make a rich DB related application in Delphi with modern cross-platform engine Firemonkey. Grid supports Delphi XE6 IDE and can be used with any Delphi redistributable Firemonkey's Styles. Evaluation version available via Download page.

We are glad to inform what new version of QtitanChart 3.0 has been released.
This release includes support for the polar coordinate system and also fixes many accumulated errors that were registered by our users during operation with the component last time. Additionally, was added a function for optimizing display of point's labels. When chart has many points, for now, labels does not overlap on each other and are placed optimally on the view depending on chart data and chart types.

We are glad to inform what new version of QtitanRibbon 3.2.5 has been released. Release fixes many rendering issues that were registered.



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