February 9, 2011 - The Beta1 version of QtitanRibbon1.0 has been released and beta-testers are very welcome. QtitanRibbon Beta for Windows, Linux and MacOS is available in the Download section. To download the software, please register on our site first.
February 9, 2011 - We are glad to announce that all our components support MacOS now. MacOS is supported without any performance or functional limitations. QtitanDataGrid1.2 and QtitanMultimedia1.3, the new versions of our popular components, have been seriously optimized and have numerous bugs fixed.
December 9, 2010 - QtitanRibbon Screenshots available!
Developer Machines team is glad to announce that the company decided to release an implementation of Microsoft Ribbon for Qt - QtitanRibbon. QtitanRibbon is a platform-independent component that works in Windows, Linux and will shortly work in Mac OS. Apart from a set of widgets, QtitanRibbon comes with a collection of styles from QStyle that will add the support of Microsoft Office themes to your Qt applications. Blue, Aqua, Black and Silver Office theme variations are available. Click this link to see some screenshots of this component.
December 9, 2010 - QtitanMultimedia 1.2 Has Been Released!
Developer Machines is happy to announce the immediate availability of QtitanMultimedia 1.2 component.
December 9, 2010 - QtitanDataGrid 1.1 Has Been Released!
Developer Machines is happy to announce the immediate availability of QtitanDataGrid version 1.1, our data grid library for Qt framework.
August 29, 2010 - QtitanMultimedia 1.1 Has Been Released!
Developer Machines is happy to announce the immediate availability of Qtitan Multimedia 1.1 component, our library wich adds various multimedia technologies, such as Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader and Microsoft Silverlight, to applications designed using Nokia-Qt framework.
August 29, 2010 - QtitanDataGrid 1.0 Has Been Released!
Developer Machines is happy to announce the immediate availability of Qtitan DataGrid 1.0 component, our data grid library for Nokia-Qt for Windows and Linux developers.
July 17, 2010 - Developer Machines proudly announces the release of Qtitan Component Pack v1 Beta2, the company’s flagship product for the Nokia-Qt development platform. In this beta 2 release all critical bugs were fixed and implemented possibilities suggested by customers. In additional the Novel Moonlihgt support was added in Linux.
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