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We have to announce a release QtitanRibbon 4.10.1. Version contains a fix for build the component under Qt4.8.x and some other fixes.

QtitanDataGrid 5.3.1 has been released. It is a quick update which fixes an unfortunate mistake in the location of the summaries cells at the footer panel.

We are pleased to inform about another update of QtitanDataGrid 5.3.0 component. The new version supports Copy-Paste feature which allows you to copy selected rows/cells between two grids or to the any other program that supports Text or HTML in the clipboard, for instance to Excel. The data can be copied or dragged. The mechanism is implemented on QMimeData basis and supports application/x-qabstractitemmodeldatalist, text/plain, html/plain mime formats.

Other important change is the evolution of column quick customization. In the new version, the scrollers have been redesigned and the "select all", "unselect all" buttons were added as shown in the figure below.

In addition were added rubber band selection for horizontal layout, support for Qt::ToolTipRole in the model and support for Qt5.8 environment.

We are glad to inform you about the release of QtitanChart 5.1.0. The version significantly improves the performance of the charts when working with a large number of points. Productivity is increased by reducing the pieces of unnecessary memory allocation and an improved algorithm for drawing visible points. For convenience, several functions were added to add an array of points at a time. Added support for Qt5.8.0.

QtitanRibbon 4.10.0 has been released. Release is fully focused on the correction of errors related to the rendering of the various ribbon elements. Added support for Qt5.8.0.

We are glad to inform you about the release of update of QtitanNavigation component. Version adds the ability to scroll the menu's items using the mouse scroll wheel, align the side pane to the left or to the right at the main window. Added support for Qt5.8.0.

Developer Machines Team wishes to all of our Customers a happy New Year 2017 and gives a 15% discount for purchase Qt/C++ components within a month.

We are glad to inform you about the release of a new component, which allows you to add navigation system used by Microsoft in Dynamics CRM-2016/Office 365 products into your Qt application. The component aims to improve the usability of your application for end users. Evaluation version of QtitanNavigation component available by this link.

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