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We are pleased to announce the release of version QtitanDataGrid 5.11. This version has improvements in the bestFit() function. For now, it accepts an enumerator that allows you to specify several modes of operation. It is possible to fit the width of the columns according to the header text, the contents of the visible part of view (analog of QHeaderView::ResizeToContents) and the contents of all data in the model. Other minor bug-fixes.

We are pleased to announce the release of version QtitanDataGrid 5.10. This version corrects behavior issue of the quick row selection buttons, sorting and grouping error for string columns in case sensitive mode.

We are pleased to announce the release of version QtitanNavigation 1.3. Version adds NavigationMenu::setAutoClose() method to close the menu by click automaticaly. Ability to set the position of the navigation bar on the main window. You can place the bar anywhere - on the left, right, bottom or top. Additionally, navigation buttons that are located on the navigation bar can be switched to the pop-up mode when the main window is reducing (like groups in RIbbon UI). In this version added NavigationStatusBar class which responds to changes in the color scheme used in the navigation bar.

We are pleased to announce the release of version QtitanDataGrid 5.9.0. It fixes shortcuts issue and painting issues. Added GridViewOptions::setSelectedDecorationOpacity(double) setting. It allows specify the opacity value that will be applied to brush obtained from the model with Qt::ForegroundRole, Qt::DecorationRole, Qt::BackgroundRole roles when the grid renders selected cells. Setting is useful when the cell color or brush conflicts with selected cells rendering for a specific platform or style.

We are pleased to announce the release of version QtitanDataGrid 5.8.0. This build fixes several problems in CardView, crash if GridPreviewRowExpandStyle::PreviewRowExpandButton style is enabled and grid has no columns, issue that does not allow to share filter condition between two views.

We are pleased to announce the release of version QtitanRibbon 4.13.0. Version fixes several critical errors and adds styling for OfficePopupWindow in Office 2013-1016 themes.

We are pleased to announce the release of the component QtitanDocking for public review and beta testing. The component implements the concept of dockable panels and toolbars, which is widely used in Microsoft products. In the first version all the basic functionality of dockable panels and toolbars will be available. For now, its suports the native style of Qt. Starting with the second version of the component, we will add the style that is used in Visual Studio 2017 with three themes - Dark, Light, Blue. Beta version available for Qt5.9.1 environment under Windows, Linux and MacOSX

We are pleased to announce the release of version QtitanDataGrid 5.7.0. This version of the component extends the ability to display master-detail relationship, it became possible to set the style of how preview row should be opened. Alternatively, you can configure it with "text button" or "plus/minus button" that is placed at the first cell of the grid row. Fixed the bug of spending the huge amount of CPU time for rendering, which occurred after some manipulations with a grid filter. Fixed several crashes under GCC compiller.

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