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Developer Machines Team wishes to all of our Customers a happy New Year 2014 and gives a 15% discount for purchase Qt/C++ components within a month.

QtitanRibbon 3.2 has been released and available for download!  This release introduces a new Microsoft Office 2013 theme with White and Gray palette, fixes all known bugs registered by customers or found during applying in the last stage and adds several new features that were requested. Release resolves many problems that allow to use the component regardless of operating system. Rendering engine completely generic and can be used in all versions of Windows, Linux or Mac OSX with Qt4 or Qt5. Development was moved to Visual Studio 2012 and Qt5.2.

QtitanDataGrid 3.2 has been released and available for download. This release provides the ability to use frozen rows at the top or bottom of the view. Freeze rows is possible in programmed way or through a specially designed user interface. Release fixes a huge number of bugs reported by users and contains a completely redesigned mechanism for validating entered values in grid's cell. So the value in the cell may be in the modified state or modified and valid state. Each state has marking with a separate icon. Release contains the expanded variant of find dialog. Now it is possible to specify a comparison operator to search. This is useful if the cell displays integers or dates and need to find all values less than or greater than a predetermined. Development was moved to Visual Studio 2012 and Qt5.2.

August 26, 2013 - QtitanRibbon 3.1 has been released and available for download. Build fixes all known bugs that were found by users as well as an errors caused because of moving to Qt5. Among other things, this version allows to use Qt layout (based on QLayout) for the arrangement of the elements within the Ribbon Group. Now, it is possible to use standard QBoxLayout, QFormLayout, QGridLayout, and QStackedLayout inside Ribbon Group.
Unfortunately, this version does not contain support for MS-Office 2013. Support of Office 2013 will be added in version 3.2, which is scheduled for release within the next month.

May 3, 2013 - FireDataGrid 1.0 beta 1 - has been released. We endorse the efforts of Embarcadero in cross-platform development, and are pleased to introduce our first component for Delphi Firemonkey - FireDataGrid for beta-testing.
In the first beta version we have focused the attention in a features which is primarily required to create business applications across
the enterprise in Delphi Firemonkey - Sorting, Grouping, Filter, Fixed Columns, Data Zooming with rich customization possibilities.
Grid works in DB-aware mode, it's allows to use the paradigm of GridView-TDataSource-TDataSet.
Demo package contains the design-time plugin which can be involved to implement most of the settings in the Delphi-Firemonkey Form Editor.
To download a trial version of the component follow this link: Download FireDataGrid Beta 1

May 3, 2013 - QtitanChart 2.1 has been released. In the release 3 types of charts were added with 2D and 3D view - Funnel Charts, Pyramid Charts and
Bubble Charts. Among other things, the theme's storage was restructured from INI file to XML. More decoration themes were added and known bugs were fixed.

May 3, 2013 - QtitanDataGrid 3.1 has been released. Release fixes bugs which were registered.

April 1, 2013 - QtitanDataGrid 3.0 has been released. Focus of this release is Qt5 support. Among other things all bugs were fixed and implemented several methods of API, which were requested by our clients.

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