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We are pleased to announce the release of the next update for the QtitanDataGrid component - 7.4.0. In this version, we have implemented a new cell editor for QColor type. On the basis of this editor, it is very convenient to add the palette customization or other data customization that requires a color field to be entered. In the current version, we have done work to speed up grid painting. We was able to get rid of several cycles in paint procedure, which positively affected the smoothness of the rendering. Also in this version, we have added a new example that demonstrates the ability to create custom cell editor for any QWidget or types.

Dear users! We are pleased to announce that a new QtitanSolution product is now available for you, which allows to purchase all our components for Qt in one package. You can switch to this type of licensing with any of your license type. For customers who have valid licenses for all of our products, the migration to this license is free. Note, separate licenses for MacOS and Linux are no longer available for purchase, but all valid licenses will be maintained until they expire, then you need to switch to a cross-platform license.

We are also glad to offer you during this August a discount on new licenses and renewal with a 30% discount. This month is a best to invest into the development of your cross-platform projects!

We have released a minor update that fixes a number of bugs. Please download this update if you have already started to migrate to the latest version.

We are pleased to announce the release of the next version of the QtitanRibbon component - 6.3.0. The main feature of this release is the search bar for all actions, which were added to the ribbon bar including the quick access bar. The end-user gets the opportunity to find the necessary action quickly if he does not remember which ribbon page and group its contains exactly. In addition to the search feature, has been added the ability to show the end-user several actions that may be of interest to - Suggested Actions. And finally, a command is available - show help on the search text, which, for example, can redirect the call to the help topic of the application. This feature is enabled by default, but can be disabled, see how we use it in our demo examples.
In this version, we have made two options for displaying the search bar. Cental position when the search bar is in the most prominent position on the window title bar in the center. The second option is Compact, the search bar is displayed as an icon with a magnifying glass. When the end-user clicks on the icon, the search bar expands for input with animation. When focus leaves the text input, the search bar collapses back into an icon. Very handy for saving space on the title bar.

Another important release feature is the ability to add custom buttons to the title bar that is related to the ribbon bar. For example, in our demos, we use this feature to create a Login and Settings buttons.
Also fixed issues in working with the popup menu, fixed errors in rendering styles. Added the ability to configure QPalette::PlaceholderText through the style config file and much more. Tuned work with the latest stable version of Qt6.3.1.

We are pleased to announce the release of the next version of the QtitanDataGrid component - 7.3.0. In the current version of the grid component, we paid attention to working with tree view. Improved navigation through the tree using the keyboard, added a helper function to open branches up to a certain level.
Redesigned drag-drop mechanism. Now internal dragging of the nodes executed through the model function - QAbstractItemModel::moveRows(). See the TreeView.exe example to study how we implement drag the nodes between each other inside the tree view.
Added support for QAbstractItemModel::headerDataChanged() event from the model. Implemented new signal GridViewBase::editorValueToText(EditorValueToTextEventArgs* args) to override the text in the cells. Tuned work with the latest stable version of Qt6.3.1. Other bugfixing and improvements.

We are pleased to announce the release of the next version of the QtitanDocking component - 4.3.0. The current version contains a number of important fixes that have been found by our customers. Fixed dock panels tab order loss when saving and restoring state from XML. Tuned work with the latest stable version of Qt6.3.1.

We are pleased to announce that the FastInfoset project is available to our customers. FastInfoset is a streaming implementation of reading and writing XML documents to a binary file. In other words, FastInfoset is a compressed XML. If you use QXmlStreamWriter/QXmlStreamReader in your app then you can add support for FastInfoset easily, just replace these classes to FastInfosetStreamWriter/FastInfosetStreamReader. The programming interface and behaviour of FastInfosetStreamWriter replecates QXmlStreamWriter, FastInfosetStreamReader replecates QXmlStreamReader. So the QXmlStreamWriter writes data to XML as a text, FastinfosetStreamWriter writes data to XML in a binary form. As a result, the size of the final file is noticeably smaller and the speed of data reading is faster. The component is implemented in QtitanFastInfoset.dll library and is provided free of charge as part of any of our products. Therefore, now for DataGrid, Docking, Ribbon UI components, it is possible to save/restore settings in XML as text or as a binary compressed stream as you wish. To demonstrate this ability, we have updated all of our demo examples.

In addition to compressed XML support, we have fixed many bugs. In Docking component, the auto-hide panel's animation mechanism has been refactored, now the animation is smoother and can be configured via API - delay, animation curve. Fixed errors in the DataGrid when working with a filter for tree view. Fixed bugs for styles and customization of the title bar of the main window. Other minor improvements.

We are pleased to announce the release of update for Qtitan serie of components. The update is aimed at supporting for Python based on Qt (PySide2), fixing the bugs found and improving the quality. The development was migrated to Qt 6.2.3. Errors specific for different platforms have been fixed - under MacOS and Linux. Fixed several minor bugs at Windows 11 and style rendering bug under MacOS Big Sur. Added some examples for Python and improved installation of Python bindings.

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